Wild Garden 야생정원
Oil on canvas
121 x 178 cm (47.6 x 70 in)
If the love a child sees is like a single, delicate flower blooming flawlessly, then the jeong (정情) we share, marked by the traces of time, feels more like a field of wildflowers—growing freely, even among plants that have been stepped on or bent, growing strength from their reseilience. It’s a beauty shaped by pain and hardship, and when you step back, it all comes together into something quietly, yet profoundly, beautiful.

경화수월: 거울 속에 비친 꽃과 물에 비친 달
Reflection: Flower Reflected on the Mirror, Moon Reflected on the Water
Oil on canvas
60.9 x 76.2 cm (24 x 30 in)
The four-character idiom "경화수월" defines the reflection of a flower in the mirror and the reflection of the moon on the water, representing a Korean simile for mournful love stories. The painting portrays two supple organic shapes intertwined, symbolizing the harmonious nature of loving relationships expressed romantically. The repetition of brushstrokes creates a subtle gradation of blue, evoking the tranquil movement of a wave and the soft glow of the mirror.
Butterfly Effect
Oil on canvas
121.9 x 111.7, 35.5 x 28.4, 30.9 x 22.8 cm (48 x 44, 14 x 11.2, 12.2 x 9 in)
The power to change society comes from small actions and choices filled with jeong (정情)—a deep sense of connection and care. Like the butterfly effect, where a single flap of wings can create a storm, small acts of kindness can come together to make the world a warmer, more compassionate place. To express this idea, I painted delicate strokes with a small brush, layering different colors to form a faint butterfly shape—a reminder that even the smallest gestures can lead to big changes.

Oil and nail on canvas
99 x 99 cm (39 x 39 in)
Stars is a mixed-media painting made with nails and oil paint. Sometimes, love can be disheartening and break us apart, but it can also be sweet, just like a piece of chocolate. And when we look back over time, we can recognize that hoarded experiences from love have created us into who we are now, just like a hard and shiny diamond. Envisioning the idea, the embedded nails reflect the experiences and present lives of individuals, and the swirling reflection of nails visualizes a night sky full of stars shining like a diamond.

Heart Seed 3
Oil on canvas
60.9 x 60.9 cm (24 x 24 in)
“Heart Seed 3” portrays the writing ‘The starting and ending points. A flowerly mind. There will be no expression that could be more accurate if you venture through this subconsciousness.’ The painting depicts a transformative shift in mindset, a journey towards embracing warmth and communion. The vibrant red hues and dynamic brushstrokes vividly portray the breaking of a shell, symbolizing readiness of one’s closed mind to accept jeong (정情) and bloom in the spring.

Nature Symphony
83.8 x 57.1, 25.4 x 19, 25.4 x 15.2 cm (32 x 22.5, 10 x 7.5, 10 x 6 in)
Nature Symphony is a silkscreen piece expressing love in everyday nature. The work captures the inherent sense of movement and motion created by nature, visualizing the pattern of reproduction and the repeated cycle of life through simple geometric shapes.