Olivia Joung

Multitude of love: memories

A Hazy Farewell
Oil on canvas, 39 x 38 in

The most silent manifestation of trust is found in the moment of parting. During this moment, one acknowledges the absence or presence of the next reunion.  To capture this quiet moment of trust and affection, I carried my camera during gatherings with friends and captured the immediate moments after our goodbyes. From the back of the friends leaving, promising to meet the subsequent unknown reunion, I felt a strong solidarity. Elaborating on the strongest moment of a relationship, I repeated drawing lines, waited for it to dry, and reiterated the process to create a hazy vision of my friends walking away.

A Hazy Farewell 2
Oil on canvas, 39 x 38 in

Knot; 매듭
Oil on canvas, 47.6 x 36 in

Knot depicts the absence of affection that drives individuals into boundless depression, gnawing at their minds. In this emotional journey, I perceived myself similar to a knot. Nevertheless, when one untangles a knot, it transforms into a single strand. The dynamic line drawings in the painting embody an outburst of the dual acknowledgment of resisting and accepting a sense of kinship, while the stain-like mark-making reflects interrupted memories.

Ink and Acrylic on Canvas 

갑자기 문뜩 이런 질문을 내게 던졌다. 감정이란 과연 하나의 형태로 표현될 수 있을까? 그동안의 경험들과 기억 조각들, 그리고 우리가 형용하지 못하는 여러 가지의 감정들이 또 다른 감정을 이루는 것 아닐까 하고. 기쁨을 알기 때문에 슬픔을 알고, 좌절을 알기 때문에 성취감도 느끼는 것이 아닐까, 마치 각기 다른 선들이 하나의 큰 형태를 형성하는 것처럼. 이번 작품은 초상화에 가깝다고 볼 수 있다. 각각의 다른 시간에 내가 그린 이 선들은, 매 순간의 나 자신을 기록하고 기억하는 발자취이기 때문이다.

How do you feel right now? Anger, sadness, joy, all of these terms are what we use to define our emotions. Thinking about this in another aspect, can emotions be expressed in a single form? Perhaps, all the experiences, pieces of memory, and mixed feelings may build another state of mind, just like how different lines create one form in this piece. The lines I drew are the footsteps of my reflection, recording and remembering every moment of myself.

몽상 夢想

Acrylic, Paper,  Ink, and Pen on Canvas

낯설지 않은 새로운 풍경이었다. 따뜻한 오후의 햇살과 향긋한 봄 냄새가 나에게 안겨 오는 듯 하였다. 쫓아오는 어둠이 무서워 나는 매번 눈을 감았고 환한 빛은 나를 지켜주었다. 매번 그 자리에서 나는 새롭게 꽃향기를 맡으며 쏟아지는 햇살 아래 봄바람과 함께 춤을 추었다. 나에겐 늘 늦은 봄이었다.

It was a new but familiar place. The shimmering sunlight and the scent of late spring seemed to welcome me. I was scared of the darkness every moment. I was afraid if it was going to devour me. I closed my eyes whenever I was afraid, and the blazing light embraced me from it. At the same spot, I danced under the ray of sunlight, being lost in the scent of flowers. It was late spring.